info (@) autocarto (.) com

+977 – 1 – 5546677
+977 – 1 – 5552622

PO Box: 8975, EPC 564, Pulchwok,
Satya Sai Marg, Lalitpur, Nepal

Contact Us

Our Location

    This consulting firm primarily caters to the increasing demand for surveying and mapping services to the different National and International clients. However, it is also fully capable to offer complete range of engineering services by its own competent team of professionals. ACC is an organization of skilled, dedicated and resourceful technical personals representing wide range of mapping and engineering design experts.


    Satya Sai Marga, Pulchwok, Lalitpur


    + 977-1-5-546677 / + 977-1-5-552622


    info (@) autocarto (.) com (.) np